New Children's Book Especially for Young Military Children
Lily Hates Goodbyes, a full color storybook for young military children grappling with
deployment separations, is now available. The book helps children safely express their
sometimes scary emotions, feel connected to the absent parent, and find ways to be happy while
waiting for the joyful reunion.
Beaverton, OR - Mar 16, 2011 - Oregon author Jerilyn Marler recently released Lily Hates
Goodbyes, a full color storybook especially for military children who have to say goodbye to a
parent for about a billion days. The book helps children and parents talk about the sometimes
scary emotions associated with separations, suggests ways to help the child and absent parent
feel connected across the miles, and reminds the child that a joyful reunion is ahead. Lily Hates
Goodbyes is illustrated by Nathan Stoltenberg of Seattle, Washington.
The United Through Reading® Military Program selected Lily Hates Goodbyes for their reading
list. Deployed service members make a video recording while reading a book aloud to their
child. The DVD is sent to the child, who can watch and listen to the parent and read along. The
child and the service member stay connected through the shared stories; the at-home spouse feels
supported and connected; and the feedback to the deployed parent boosts morale. "This is such a
natural fit," said Jerilyn Marler. "The United Through Reading® Military Program and I share
the same focus - the emotional well-being of military children. I am honored that the program
includes my book."
Jerilyn Marler wrote the story for her four-year-old granddaughter Lily who was reeling from the
pain of her dad's time away in the Navy. Lily would run from the room rather than talk about
what she was feeling. The book provided a third person to talk about. Book Lily was mad. Book
Lily was sad. Suddenly it wasn't so scary for real Lily to talk about those feelings. Lily asked to
read the book over and over. As a result, Lily is more at ease with her emotions, knows that it's
safe to say whatever she feels, knows that her mom will be there steadfastly and lovingly through
it all, and that there is a joyful reunion coming with dad.
"When Lily asked me to sing her the book, I knew that it was really reaching her. I decided to
publish it in hopes that it will help other children through the long, difficult separations," said
Jerilyn Marler. She chose to self-publish in order to make the book available as quickly as
About the book:
Lily Hates Goodbyes by Jerilyn Marler
ISBN: 978-1460960707
Publisher: CreateSpace
Date of publish: March 8, 2011
Pages: 32
S.R.P.: $6.95
About the author:
Jerilyn Marler's 30 year writing career has included educational materials for Alaska elementary
schools; writing three books about WordPerfect for MIS:Press, an imprint of Henry Holt
Publishers; editing dozens of books for technical publishers; editing a children's book, a medical
text book, and book on divorce at the same time; and writing/editing end user documentation for
multiple high tech products. Lily Hates Goodbyes is her first children's book as author.
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