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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Living With Evolution or Dying Without It - Suggests Evolution Offers Better Approaches for Dealing with Poverty, Criminality and Demographic Diversity


Evolution is Only a Theory? Think Again!
New Book Suggests Evolution Offers Better Approaches for Dealing with Poverty,
Criminality and Demographic Diversity
Charlotte, NC - June 10, 2010 - Ever wondered how we got in the mess we are today?
K.D. Koratsky addresses this issue and others in his new book, Living With Evolution or
Dying Without It, which spells out why natural selection and a just a handful of
principles and forces that spawn from it have dictated the cycles, trends, and patterns of
human history. Along the way, those nations with policies that have been most aligned
with these principles and forces have prospered, while those with policies that have least
aligned have experienced the opposite. The author shows how early on the U.S. fell
soundly in the first category, but has increasingly fallen into the second.
There's a simple solution to replace the failed policies unable to significantly reduce
poverty, criminality and government corruption, to achieve demographic diversity and to
pursue prosperity. The answer? Evolution.
"Evolution as the product of natural selection not only defines certain earthly
phenomena but it must necessarily define all earthly and universal phenomena because
its essence will universally dictate what spaces become occupied by what forms of
matter," says Koratsky. "Humans are in no way exempted from this logical rule of
physical law. Societies that synchronize their policies with the realities of natural
selection will maximize chances of long-term success, while those that do not will
increase their chances of suffering extinction in the near or distant future."
The author stresses there is a biological law every bit as inviolable as Newtonian physical
laws -- A society will get more of what it rewards and less of what it punishes.
Commenting on this biological law, Koratsky says: "The notion many hold that the more
citizens charitably give to others the better it is for all cannot possibly be true. Instead,
subsidizing a problem will invariably lead to getting more of what one wishes to
And in terms of criminality, adds Koratsky, "By not adequately punishing crime a society
will get more crime because the benefits for criminal behavior will outweigh its costs.
Inevitably the results will be creation of parasitic survival niches that suck energy out of a
society to the degree that they exist - all of which will hurt all citizens in the end."
To illustrate the validity of these claims, Koratsky points to a particularly stark case of
how such phenomena can work together as part of a highly destructive positive feedback
loop. "Drug-addicted mothers gain the resources to survive via the subsidized existence
of their children. Then these children raised by parents that cannot even feed themselves
typically grow up to remain part of the welfare system or become part of the prison
The illustration of drug-addicted mothers also supports another notion that most disregard
and that is all human characteristics have both cultural and biological components. The
bottom line is that all of this turns nature upside down, i.e., completely defies
evolutionary principles which can only lead to bizarre and especially self-destructive
results for a society.
"The fact that all forms of redistribution create parasitic niches for those that facilitate the
redistribution compounds the counter-productive effects of the redistributed resources
themselves," stresses Koratsky.
Policy approaches Koratsky recommends in his book include:
-Welfare System Reform: Gradually abolish all programs that subsidize the existence of
able-bodied non-producers. While a safety net is indeed an evolutionarily sound concept,
any wealth transfer that creates a win-lose outcome will inevitably lead to degraded
societal performance and compromised societal longevity-all with exaggerated effect if
resources are transferred to other nations.
-Criminal-Justice System Reform: After reinstating policies that create a strong
deterrent to crime, those who insist on breaking the law should be sentenced according to
how long it will take to truly pay their debts to society. Instead of subsidizing prisoners in
a way that merely compounds the costs of the criminal behavior itself, society should
demand all victims be made whole, eliminating any win-lose effect produced by criminal
-Healthcare Reform: The pursuit of equality in outcome for citizens has inevitably led
to the sense of entitlement for all citizens. Instead of those individuals who contribute
most to society being rewarded with the best of healthcare, many demand that those who
contribute the least be afforded precisely the same reward. For example, a highly
intelligent and industrious 40-year-old entrepreneur who is in need of a liver transplant
for a genetic condition is now widely deemed to be no more worthy of receiving an organ
than a 65-year-old unemployed alcoholic who lives under a bridge.
In emphasizing how human survival components break down, the author asserts that
selection for merit is the key to everything else-merit when it comes to maximizing
productivity, efficiency, and progress in capitalizing on opportunities and overcoming the
threats as necessary for species perpetuation. "While many believe the power of ideas,
culture and/or intentions allow humans to transcend natural selection," concludes
Koratsky, "such ideas will merely lead to selection against those who adhere to them."
About the book:
Living With Evolution or Dying Without It by K.D. Koratsky
ISBN: 978-0-9826546-0-6
Publisher: Sunscape Books
Date of publish: June 1, 2010
Pages: 618
S.R.P.: $49.95
About the author:
Conceptually, K.D. Koratsky became committed to his book at age 11. With formal
research beginning in 1990, Koratsky now has invested over 30,000 hours over nearly 20
years in the production of Living With Evolution or Dying Without It. With his practical
philosophical platform established, Koratsky plans to follow up with at least four books
that expand on how evolutionary principles can be applied in specific ways-allowing
both individuals and groups to enjoy maximal success in their endeavors.


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